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Every year hundreds of people try to set a new Guinness World Record or break an old one. The records can be serious or silly, and some have a special character, because they are connected with a specific country and its culture. 1._____ His name’s Simon Berry and he’s a fan of extreme sports, especially bungeejumping. 2._____ So, he decided to combine those two passions and break a record at the same time. What did he do? Well, he stood at the top of a bridge with a biscuit in his hand. Then he made the bungee jump. 3._____ All he had to do was…to put the biscuit inside it! And he made it! After the successful jump he said that it was very tricky, because he hadn’t seen the tea from up there! Simon made a jump from 73 metres and officially became a Guinness Record Holder. But he wasn’t the first to think about breaking this record. 4._____ So Simon broke it by 13 metres!

Na podstawie: www.express.co.uk


  1. An American, Ron Jones, had set the record at 60 metres two years before.
  2. For example, one man has managed to set the most British record ever.
  3. He tried bungee jumping for the first time in his life.
  4. At the bottom a cup of hot tea was waiting for him.
  5. As a typical British man, he’s also keen on drinking tea and eating biscuits.
Data dodania: 2020-05-07 09:18:16
Data edycji: 2020-05-07 09:18:23
Ilość wyświetleń: 409


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