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8.04.2020 Mój dom. Piosenka ‘Welcome to my house’

Cel- dziś nauczysz się  piosenki o domu. Powtórzysz nazwy pomieszczeń w domu Poznasz nowe wyrażenia i słowa

1.Obejrzyj film i posłuchaj  piosenki:




 Ding dong, goes the bell .

Yes yes, you hear it well.

Ding dong, come on in.

 Welcome to my house!

 This is the room with the sofa in warm and cozy, come on in.

 Look, this is my house. Here I feel at home

This is the kitchen where we eat and sit down with the family.

Look, this is my house. Here I feel at home.

 Ding dong, goes the bell. 

 Yes yes, you hear it well.

 Ding dong, come on in.

Welcome to my house.

This is the shower and this is the bath

Here you can wash, splash and laugh!

 Look, this is my house.

 Here I feel at home.

 This is my room and this my bed

 All my soft toys live in there.

 Look, this is my house.

Here I feel at home.

Ding dong, goes the bell!

Yes yes, you hear it well.

 Ding dong, come on in.

 Welcome to my house.

 Ding dong, goes the bell,

Yes yes, you hear it well.

 Ding dong, come on in

Welcome to my house

 These are my bricks and that’s my clay.

 The puzzle and the puppets we can play.

 And when we’re finished, when we stop,

 We put everything back in the box!

Ding dong, goes the bell

 Yes yes, you hear it well

Ding dong, come on in

 Welcome to my house

 Ding dong, goes the bell.

 Yes yes, you hear it well

 Ding dong, come on in

Welcome to my house.




2.Zapamiętaj wyrażenia i słowa:

Bell- dzwonek/do drzwi/

Goes the bell- rozbrzmiewa dzwonek/brzmi dzwonek

Welcome to my house- Witam w moim domu

Here I feel at home- Tutaj czuje się jak w domu.

Soft toys- pluszaki

Come on In- Wejdź /do środka /



Data dodania: 2020-04-07 18:25:31
Data edycji: 2020-04-07 18:25:36
Ilość wyświetleń: 513


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